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yes to Tomatoes Detoxifying Charcoal Skin Care Kit


Detalles del producto

Say yes to the Tomatoes Detoxifying Charcoal Skincare Kit a powerful trio of plant-based treatments that seek draw out impurities, combat acne breakouts and reveal a brighter, refined complexion. Ideal for oily and combination skin types. 96% Natural ingredients. Free from petroleum, SLS and parabens. Cruelty free. The Kit Contains: Tomatoes Detoxifying Charcoal Cleanser (147ml) Containing active ingredient Salicylic Acid, the natural cleanser works to unclog pores and regulate excess sebum production, with eco-friendly Jojoba Spheres for gentle exfoliation. Charcoal draws out impurities without stripping away essential moisture, while antioxidant-rich Tomato extract delivers essential free radical protection. Skin feels clean, balanced and refreshed. Tomatoes Detoxifying Charcoal Mud Mask (93g) Lavishly rich and creamy, the indulgent face mask contains a detoxifying blend of Salicylic Acid and Charcoal powder, working to dissolve dirt, excess oil and impurities. Enriched with a natural blend of Tomato, Aloe and Watermelon extracts, it infuses skin with moisture and antioxidants to reveal a clear and softened complexion. Tomatoes Detoxifying Charcoal Bar Soap (195g) Suitable for face and body use, the nourishing soap bar eliminates dirt and impurities, harnessing the natural abilities of Charcoal to absorb toxins and oil. Botanical extracts of Tomato, Sunflower Seed Oil and Willow Bark deliver essential nutrients and antioxidants for skin that feels smooth, refreshed and nourished.

Referencia UPC/EAN/ISBN 815921019723

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